Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Watch Me Grow, update

GOD Morning, just wanted to give you an update on my latest "watch me Grow" I recently completed a course at HCP photography class and the following are photos I provided in my finale.  Some are old and some are new, as I try and stretch my understanding of photography.  Next up Lighting course, which I feel is my next big push.  I met a lot of other photographers who have given me a lot of advice which I greatly appreciate.  Be Blessed and see you soon!
Chicago 2011

Chicago 2011 no flash

New, Tom Bass Park, processed in lightroom.

 My first Promo photo shoot, New and processed in lightroom
New Black and White in Discovery Green.

Also New, Tom Bass Park.

New playing around with off camera lighting.

Hermann Park

 Just playing around with color.

Enjoy, I did!!